#FreeTheData : Digital Transformation Planning Edition


“I see the mountain top but how do (A)I get there?”

1. Know your destination
2. Plan the route
3. Prioritize mercilessly
4. Make sure you have the resources
5. Execute the strategy
6. Don’t be afraid to change your route


Your destination is the reason you get out of bed every day. There is nothing we can write here that can help with that, but when it comes to planning the route, there is one golden rule we want to share: New technology alone will not solve the problem.

You have doubtless made significant investments in technology over the years, and from nearly every conversation we’ve had to date, one thing is clear: you’re not getting the most out of those investments.

Start with an Inventory

When you begin planning:

  1. Start with an inventory of what you have.
    Do this dispassionately; there’s no point in blaming previous decisions for where you are today.
  2. Evaluate the capabilities of your current assets.
    Be honest when comparing what you have with what’s possible.

This evaluation needs to cover:

  • Technology
  • People
  • Process

What is almost guaranteed is that you have needle-moving capabilities in the business that you have already paid for, but aren’t using.

When planning the route:

  1. Maximize the investments you’ve already made.
  2. Identify the gaps.
  3. Move to prioritization.

It may well be that the big AI project you thought you needed can be achieved with the tools you already have, or the replatforming of your Digital Commerce system is unnecessary because you can easily extend the current system. The new OMS requirement? That might not even be a tech issue—it could be a process issue.

Have you defined a destination?

We can help you plan the route.

Get in touch to learn more:
Visit us at www.featuremind.com

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Thank you. The Mailman is on His Way :)
Sorry, don't know what happened. Try later :(